Built-in Microwave OvenHJA7030User Instructions
Page 10www.howdens.comCLOCKWhen the appliance is rst plugged in or after a power failure, the display is blank. If the clock is not set, the displa
Page 11 www.howdens.comOPERATING YOUR MICROWAVECOOK & REHEAT WITH MICROWAVESUse this function for normal cooking and reheating, such as vegetabl
Page 12www.howdens.comJET STARTThis function is used for quick reheating of food with a high water content such as clear soups, coee or tea.1. Pr
Page 13 www.howdens.comDEFROSTUse this function only if the net weight is between 100 g- 2 Kg. Always place the food on the glass turntable.1. Pres
Page 14www.howdens.comCLEANING & MAINTENANCECleaning is the only maintenance normally required.Failure to maintain the oven in a clean condition
Page 15 www.howdens.comTROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDEThe microwave will not switch on?• Check that the appliance has been connected to the mains supply cor
Page 16www.howdens.comDATA FOR TEST HEATING PERFORMANCEIn accordance with IEC 60705.The International Electrotechnical Commission has developed a st
Page 17 www.howdens.comYOUR GUARANTEEThis appliance is manufactured to Lamona’s high production standards and comes with a 12 MONTH GUARANTEE.
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CONTACT DETAILSLamona Customer Care Telephone number (0845) 006 0006. Lamona operates a policy of continuous improvement and reserves the right to ad
Page 3 www.howdens.comCONTENTSEnvironmental note 4Installation 5Mounting the appliance 5Prior to connection 5After connection
Page 4www.howdens.comENVIRONMENTAL NOTEThis appliance is marked according to the European directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Eq
Page 5 www.howdens.comINSTALLATIONMOUNTING THE APPLIANCEFollow the supplied separate mounting instructions when installing the appliance.PRIOR TO CO
Page 6www.howdens.comIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSREAD CAREFULLY AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE• Do not heat, or use ammable materials in or near t
Page 7 www.howdens.comIMPORTANT PRECAUTIONSThis appliance is designed for domestic use only!• The appliance should not be operated without food in
Page 8www.howdens.comACCESSORIESGENERAL• If accessories containing metal comes in contact with the oven interior, while the oven is in operation, s
Page 9 www.howdens.comPAUSE OR STOP COOKING• To pause cooking: The cooking can be paused to check, turn or stir the food by opening the door. The s
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