Whirlpool ADP 550 IX Instruction for Use

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Summary of Contents

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ADP 650

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I f you use 3i n1 ta ble ts in o ther pro grams , t he a pp liance will not ac hieve a go od p erfo rma nce.Only the 3in1 function (for the prog ram :

Page 3

9For b est pe rforma nce of t he d ishwashe r, f ollow t he se lo ading gu ideline s. F eatures an dappea rance of bask ets and cut ler y b askets may

Page 4

Loading the Lower BasketWe recommend that you place large items which are most difficult to clean into the lower basket:pots, pans, lids,serving dishe

Page 5 - Control Panel

11Cutlery BasketFo r washi ng in th e d ishwashe r t he f ol lowing cut ler y/ dishe sCutle ry w ith w ooden, hor n chi na ormothe r-of-pe arl h andle

Page 6 - A. Water Softener

Wash Cycle Table12Meaning: need to fill rinse into the Rinse-Aid Dispenser.()*En50242: This program is the test cycle, the rinse-aid dispenserset ti n

Page 7

WARNING!It is d an gerous to ope n th e door when w as hi ng , be c aus e the hot wate r ma y s c ald y ou .W h en the w orking cy cle has finis hed,

Page 8 - Detergents

The f ilter pre vent s lar ger remn ant s of food or ot her objects f rom get ting i nsi de th e p um.The residues may block the filter, in this case

Page 9 - Detergent Dispenser

Th e cont rol p ane l can be cleaned by u si ng a lig htly dampened c loth .Aft er cle anin g, m ake sure to dry it tho roughly.For the exterior, us e

Page 10 - How To Use The 3IN1 Function

Itis recommend that you run a wash cycle with thedish washer e mpty an d t he n re mov e t he pl ug fro m t hesocket, turn o ff th e wa te r supp ly a

Page 11 - Adjusting the Upper Basket


Page 12 - Loading the Lower Basket

To re view the sec tion on troublesho oting Tipswill help you to solve some common problemsby yourse lf .Dear Cu stom er ,Please carefully read this m

Page 13 - Are of limited suitability

18The following things should be checked before starting the dishwasher.Syphon ConnectionTh e wast e conne ction must b e at a he ight of be twe en 5

Page 14 - Wash Cycle Table

Fuse blown, or thecircuit breaker actedReplace fuse or reset circuit breaker. Remove any otherappliances sharing the same circuit with the dishwasherS

Page 15 - AttheEndoftheWashCycle

The dishes were notloaded correctly .See notes in " Load ing the Dishwasher Baskets ".Select a more intensive programme.See" Wash Cycle

Page 16 - Filter assembly

Height : 850mmWidth : 445mmDe pth : 58 0mmWater pressure: 0.04-1.0MPaHot water connection : max 60 ℃Power supply: see rating labelCapacity: 9place set

Page 17 - WARNING!

1This applianc e must be grounded. In the event of amalfunction o r breakdown, grounding will reducethe risk of anelectric shock by providing a path o

Page 18 - About Power Connection

2D ispo se of the dish wa sher packagi ng m ater ial c orre ctl y.All pa ckaging material s ca n be recy cled.Pl ast ic pa rts ar e m ark ed w ith th

Page 19 - Water Connection

11 12Ba ck Vie w12345678910onOffFront view5Pr ogra m in dicator l ights and bu tton: To selec tone of the seven and show the wash ing program.2343in1

Page 20 - Extension Hose

Be fo re using you r dishwa sher for the first time:Th e wat er soften er m ust be s et manu ally, usin g the w ater ha rd ness di al.Th e wat er soft

Page 21 - Before Calling for Service

nor mal fo r a s mall a mount of w ater t o come out o f the sa l t container.It is1. The salt con tai ne r must only be refil led when t he sal t wa

Page 22 - Error Codes

To op en t he di spen ser, t urn the cap to the "ope n" (le ft) ar row an d l ift it o ut.Po ur t he rin se ai d int o th e dispe nser, b ei

Page 23 - Technical Information

Amount of Detergent to UseProper U se of De terg entUse only deterge nt s pecificall y m ade for the u se i n dis hwas her s. K eep your det erge nt f

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