ABC12ABCD12日期签字底图总号旧底图总号描校描图借(通)用件登记日期日期标准化处数工艺审核设计标记更改文件号审定批准校对签名张第张共广东美的集团股份有限公司数量阶段标记量重比例D美的洗涤电器制造有限公司REV.11100英文用户手册斯洛伐克ADG 19 5A +(W PL4#)WHIRLPO
7Amount of Detergent to UseProper U se of De terg entUse o nly det erge nt s pecif ic ally m ade f or the u se in dish wa shers. K eep your det ergent
8I f you use 3i n1 ta ble ts in o ther pr ograms, t he a ppli ance wil l not ac hieve a go od p er formance.Only the 3in 1 fun ction (for the prog ram
9For b est pe rforma nce of t h e d ishwas her, f o llow t he se lo ading gu ideline s. F eatures an dappea rance of ba sket s and cut lery basket s m
10Loading the Lower BasketWe recommend that you p lace large items which are most difficult to clean into the lower basket:pots, pans,lid s, serving d
11Cutlery BasketFo r washing in th e d ishwasher t he f ollowing cutler y/dishe sCutle ry w ith w ooden, hor n chi na ormothe r-of-pe arl ha ndlesPlas
12Wash Cycle TableMeaning: need to fill rinse into the Rinse-Aid Dispenser.()*En50242: This pr ogram is the test cycle, the rinse-aid dispensersetting
13Premi se:1. A cycl e that is und er wa y can on ly be modifi ed if i t has on ly been runn in gfor a sho rt time . Other wise, the detergen t may h
14The filter prev ent s l ar ger remn ant s of food or ot her obj ect s from gett ing i nsi de th e p um.The residues may block the filter, in this ca
15The cont rol p ane l c an be cleaned by u si ng a lightly dampened c lot h.Af ter cl eaning, m ake sur e to dry it tho roug hly.For the e x t e ri o
The installation of the pipesand electrical equipmentsshould be done by professionals.Electrical Shoc k HazardDi sc onne ct e l ectri cal p o we r be
ADG 195 A+
(Unit: mm)3.5154441.5390179175193852418CabinetDishwasherDoor ofdishwasherMinimum space of 50mm90 °90 °450 mm820mm100580mm80Space between cabinetbottom
Installation of aesthetic panel【】Figure 4a2Install the hook on the aesthetic wooden panel and put the hook into the slot of the outer door ofdishwashe
19Tension adjustmentof the door spring【】Figure5Tension adjustment of the door spring●Connection of drain hoses●The door springs are set at the factory
205462RUBBERSCREWCOVER7SCREWCONE GEAR5B5A【Figure7】Dishwasher installation steps●...6781 Install the furniture door to the outer door of the dishwashe
Di shwa she r m ust be lev el fo r proper d is h ra ck op eration and wa sh per form ance.Place level on door and rack track inside the tub as shown t
23Fuse blown, or th ecircuit breaker actedReplace fuse or reset circuit breaker. Remove any otherappliances sharing the same circuit with the dishwash
24WARNING!If ov er fl ow occu rs , t u r n of f t he m ai n wa t er s upp ly bef o re ca l lin g a se r vic e.If there is water in the base pan becaus
25Height : 820mm(adjustable+60mm)Width : 445mmDe pth : 54 0mmVoltage connected Load : see rating labelWater pressure: 0.04-1.0MPaHot water connection
Dishwasher Features... ...3A、Water Softener...4Attention before or after load
1This appliance must be grounded. In the event of amalfunction o r breakdown, grounding will reducethe risk of anelectric shock by providing a path of
2D ispo se o f t he d is hwasher pac kag ing m aterial c orre ctly.All pa ckaging mate rials ca n be recy cled.Pl ast ic parts a re m arked w ith t he
To get the best performance from your dishwasher, read alloperating instructions before using it for the first time.3Ba ck Vi ewFr on t view4Po we r l
4Befo re using you r dishwa sher for th e first time :Th e wat er so ftener must be s et m an ually, usin g the wa ter hard ness di al.Th e wat er so
51. The salt con tainer must onl y be refil le d when t he s alt wa rn ing light in t he cont rol pan el comes on.Depend ing on how w ell t he s alt d
6To op en t he di spens er, t urn the cap to the "o pen" ( left ) ar row an d l ift i t o ut.Po ur t he ri nse ai d int o th e disp ens er,
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