To rev iew the section on troubleshooting Tipswill help you to solve some common problemsby yourself .Dear Customer,Please carefully read this manual
For b est perfo rmance of t he d ishwashe r, f oll ow thes e l oading gu ide line s. Feat ures andappea rance of bask ets an d cut ler y basket s may
Loading the Lower BasketWe recommend that you place large items which are most difficult to clean into the lower basket:pots, pans,lids, serving dishe
Cutlery BasketFor washi ng in th e d ishwashe r the fol lowing cutl ery/dis he sCutle ry with w ooden, h orn china ormothe r-of-pe arl h andl esPlas t
Wash Cycle TableMeaning: need to fill rinse into the Rinse-Aid Dispenser.()*En50242: This program is the test cycle, the rinse-aid dispenserset ti ng
WARNING!It is d an gerou s to open th e door w hen w as hi ng , be c aus e the hot wat e r ma y s c ald y ou .W h en the working c y cle has fini s he
The fil ter prev ent s l arger remn ant s of food or o ther obj ects from gett ing inside th e p um.The residues may block the filter, in this case th
The cont rol pane l can be clea ned by u sing a lig htly dampen ed c loth .Afte r cl eaning, make sure to dry i t tho roug hly.For the ex t e rior, us
Itis recommend that you run a washcycle with thedish washer e mpt y an d the n r emove th e plu g f rom thesocket, turn o ff th e wa ter supply and l
The following things should be checked before starting the dishwasher.Syphon ConnectionTh e waste conne ction must b e at a he ight of between 5 0 cm
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of amalfunction or breakdown, grounding will reducethe risk of anelectric shock by providing a path ofle
Fuse blown, or thecircuit breaker actedReplace fuse or reset circuit breaker. Remove any otherappliances sharing the same circuit with the dishwasherS
The dishes were notloaded correctly.See notes in " Loading the Dishwash er Baskets ".Select a more intensive programme.See" Wash Cycle
Height : 850mmWidth : 445mmDe pth : 58 0mmWater pressure: 0.04-1.0MPaHot water connection : max 60 ℃Power supply: see rating labelCapacity: 9place set
Dispo se o f t he d ishwas her pack aging m ater ial c orre ctl y.All pa ckaging mate rials can be rec ycled .Pl ast ic parts a re m arked w ith th e
Ba ck Vie wFront view3Pr ogr am i ndicat or l ights and butto n: To sel ectone o f the sev en a nd show the wash ing program.23in1 indicator l ight /
Befo re u sing you r dishwa sher for the first time:Th e wat er so ften er must be s et m anu ally, usin g th e w ater ha rdness di al.Th e wat er sof
nor mal fo r a s mall amo unt o f w ater t o come out o f th e sal t conta iner.It is1. The salt con tai ner must onl y be refil led when the salt war
To op en t he di spenser, t urn t he cap to t he "ope n" (le ft) a rrow an d l ift it o ut.Po ur t he rinse ai d int o the dis pen ser, be i
Amount of Detergent to UseProp er U se o f De terg entUse o nly deterge nt s pecifical ly m ade for t he u se i n dis hwa shers. K eep your det ergent
I f you use 3i n1 ta blets in o ther pr ograms, t he a ppli ance will not achi eve a go od p erfo rmance.Only the 3in1 fun ction (f or the prog ram :
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