Instructions for useENAMW 730
10ENKEY LOCK / SAFETY LOCKTo unlock the Key Lock, press and hold the BACK button for 5 sec-onds.The Door musT be openeD anD closeD, for example to pu
11ENTo conTinue afTer a funcTion is finisheD: when enD is DisplayeD, you can prolong the cook-ing time by 30 seconds by pressing the Start but-ton.
12ENFOOD CLASSES (6TH SENSE FUNCTIONS ONLY)when using The 6Th sense funcTions the oven needs to know which food class it needs to use in or-der to ac
13ENwhen a funcTion is finisheD, the oven may per-form a cooling process. This is normal and the display shows “Cool On”. After this process, the ove
14ENPOWER LEVELMICROWAVES ONLYpower suggesTeD use:1000 WreheaTing of beverages, water, clear soup, coffee, tea or other food with a high water con-te
15ENSwitch on the microwave by pressing the button and proceed as follows:q open The Door and place food in the oven. Close the door.w press Th
16ENfollow The proceDure for “Cook & Reheat with microwaves” and choose power level 160 W when defrosting manually.check anD inspecT The fooD reg
17ENJET DEFROSTSwitch on the microwave by pressing the button and proceed as follows:q Turn The aDJusT knob until you find the Jet Defrost funct
18ENWEIGHT:This funcTion neeDs To know the net weight of the food. The oven will then automatically calculate the time needed to finish the process.i
19ENGRILLSwitch on the microwave by pressing the button and proceed as follows:q Turn The aDJusT knob until you find the Grill function.w press
2ENYOUR SAFETY AND THAT OF OTHERS IS VERY IMPORTANTThis manual and the appliance itself provide important safety warnings, to be read and observed at
20ENGRILL COMBISwitch on the microwave by pressing the button and proceed as follows:q Turn The aDJusT knob until you find the Grill Combi funct
21ENCRISPSwitch on the microwave by pressing the button and proceed as follows:q Turn The aDJusT knob until you find the Crisp function.w press
22ENFOOD TIPSq Dinner plaTe (250 g - 500 g)heaT covereD.for perfecT resulTs, prepare food in line with the recommendations on next page.w frozen p
23ENalways cover fooD when using this function ex-cept when reheating chilled soups, in which case a cover is not needed.if The fooD is packageD in
24ENFOOD TIPSq bakeD poTaToes (200 g - 1.0 kg)prick The poTaToes and place them in a micro-wave-safe and oven-proof dish. Turn the po-tatoes when t
25ENFOOD TIPSq french fries (200 g - 500 g)spreaD ouT The fries in an even layer on the crisp plate. Sprinkle with salt if desired.w pizza, Thin c
26ENDISHWASHERSAFE:TurnTable TurnTable.crisp hanDle.wire is The only mainTenance normally required.failure To mainTain T
27ENTROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEThis is To avoiD making unnecessary calls for which you will be charged. When calling Service, please give the se-rial numbe
400010878167ENWhirlpool is a registered trademark of Whirlpool, USA.
3EN - Regulations require that the appliance is earthed. - The power cable must be long enough for connecting the Appliance, once tted in its housing
4EN - During and after use, do not touch the heating elements or interior surfaces of the appliance: risk of burns. Do not allow the appliance to com
5EN - Overheated oils and fats catch re easily. Always remain vigilant when cooking foods rich in fat, oil or alcohol (e.g. rum, cognac, wine). - Do
6ENSAFEGUARDING THE ENVIRONMENTDisposal of packaging maTerialsThe packaging material is 100% recyclable and is marked with the recycle symbol ( ). T
7ENPRIOR TO CONNECTINGMOUNTING THE APPLIANCEINSTALLATIONAfter unpAcking the AppliAnce, make sure that it has not been damaged during transport and tha
8ENCOOKING FOODCLING FILM AND BAGSRECOMMENDED USE AND TIPSremove wire TwisT-Ties from paper or plastic bags before placing the bag in the microwave ov
9ENPANEL DESCRIPTIONFunction symbolsSTOP/PAUSE buttonON/OFF buttonPOWER buttonSTART buttonBACK buttonADJUST knobCLOCK buttonDigital displayPo
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