Whirlpool AMW 730/IX Instruction for Use Page 16

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follow The proceDure for “Cook & Reheat with
microwaves” and choose power level 160 W
when defrosting manually.
check anD inspecT The fooD regularly. You will
learn the times required for various amounts
from experience.
Turn large JoinTs halfway through the defrost-
ing process.
boileD fooD, sTews anD meaT sauces defrost
better if stirred during defrosting.
when DefrosTing it is better to under
thaw the food slightly and allow the
process to finish during standing time.
sTanDing Time afTer DefrosTing always proDuces beT-
Ter resulTs since the temperature
will then be evenly distributed
throughout the food.
frozen fooD in plasTic bags, plastic film or card-
board packaging can be placed directly in the
oven provided the packaging does not
have any metal parts (e.g. metal twist
The shape of The package changes the de-
frosting time. Shallow packaging de-
frosts more quickly than deep packag-
separaTe iTems as they begin to defrost.
Individual slices defrost more easily.
cover areas of fooD with small
pieces of aluminium foil if they
start to become warm (e.g.
chicken legs and wing tips).
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