Whirlpool ADG 145 Instruction for Use Page 10

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I f you use 3i n1 ta ble ts in other pr ogr am s, t he a pp liance will not achi eve a go od p erfo rma nce.
Only the 3in1 fun ction (for the prog ram : i nt ensi ve/No rmal/ Eco. ) Can be used w it h 3in 1 t ablet s.
Fill t he de ter gent disp ens er wit h deter gen t.
Th e m arking in d icates the dosing l e vels , a s
i ll us tra ted o n t he ri gh t:
Th e p la ce of main w ash cyc le de terg ent pl aced ,
M IN me ans approxi mately 2 0g o f det erge nt.“”
Th e p lace o f pr e- wa sh c ycle det erge nt p lace d ,
ap proximat ely 5 g o f detergen t
Please o bserve t he manu facturer s do sing and sto rage
Recommendations as stated on the detergent packaging.
Close the lid and press until it locks in place.
I f th e di sh es ar e heav i ly so il ed , pl ace an ad di tional
detergen t do se in the pre-w as h de tergent cham be r. Th is det er gen t will take effect d uring the pre-wa sh phas e.
Fill in Detergent
You f ind in formation about the a mo unt o f de terg en t for th e si ngle pr ogram me on t he l ast p age .
Pl eas e aware , tha t accordi ng t o the le vel so iling and the spec if ic hardnes s of wa ter d iff erence s a re po ssib le.
Please observe the manufacturer's recommendations on the detergent packaging.
When using 3i n1 combi nation / co mpact D etergents ,p leas e pay atten tion to ma ke sure th at
the size of the combi nation detergent s fits t o the dispe nser so th at combin at ion
deterge nts can b e ea sily put i nto the d ispense r, and th e dispen ser would not b e broken.
Your dish wa sher h as a 3i n1 fu nct ion w hich nee ds no sal t and r inse aid b ut a 3 In 1 t ab let.
This dishwas her c om es w ith a 3in 1 tabl et containe r as an a cce ssory.
1. The figure below shows how to hang the 3in1 tablet container on the upper basket.
2. Rot ate th e up per spra yer an d ch ange the locat ion o f the conta iner to en sure the uppe r sp rayer i s n ot
obstructed by the 3in 1 tablet container. Refer to the figure below for reference.
3. Put the 3in1 tablet into the container ,then start the 3in1 pro gram.
How To Use The 3IN1 Function
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